Friday, February 6, 2015

                                         Still Here in North Palm Beach.......
Portuguese Man O War on the beach.  They're about 6 inches long and scattered all over the beach.

     We almost left for the Bahamas Wed. morning.....  That's the closest we've come while waiting  2 and 1/2 weeks here to cross. 
We were set to go until Tues. night at 8:30 our buddy boat (What's Next from Canada) decided that he didn't want to risk it as conditions out there changed.  Not wanting to cross alone we stayed also.  Monday is supposed to be a great day to cross - we are going!!!  We are going to be anchoring out Sun. afternoon near the Lake Worth inlet to get our 5AM crossing start on Mon.
Palm Beach

     A big storm came in this morning and has been here all day.  We have 25 mile/hr. winds, lightening, thunder and lots of rain on and off.  The boat is nice and cozy and we are in a slip.  However it is really noisy -  you hear the rain, every wind gust, the boat creaks,  groans and moves around a lot , weird noises appear, the ropes pull, sailboat riggings nearby clank loudly.   Glad we aren't anchored out now!
Our marina

     We've been riding our bikes all over.  We rode to the MacArthur    Beach State Park yesterday which was very cool (a very tropical protected estuary with lots of sea life  on the the beach). They had warnings up for man o rays and sharks, no alligators ever seen there. Bill rides his bike to West Marine for something daily.  He never rides for pleasure - only for a purpose!
          Boardwalk across the MacArthur State Park estuary          

      We've been pretty social.  We've had docktails back and forth, our boat then their boat with a few boats here.  My fried Pam drove 2 1/2 hours back to see us for another day.  Bill took us on a harbor/inland waterway ride in the inflatable, then to the Tiki Bar restaurant nearby. Dottie (a friend we did the rivers with last year) came by for  visit.
      Palm Beach is really rich area - lots of mansions behind giant 
hedges that go on for miles.  It's hard to see the houses they hide them so well. If you have to be stuck somewhere , this is a really nice area.

1 comment:

  1. looks like stormy skies in most of these pictures….safety!!!
