Monday, January 26, 2015

                           Cruising = Fixing things in Exotic Places

                The water pump went out last night.  Thanks goodness it didn't happen next week in the Bahamas where we couldn't get the parts.  No water in the Bahamas would be really bad news!   Bill (McGyver)  rode his bike to West Marine, got the parts and had it installed and running this afternoon.  He's even going to fix the old one to carry for a spare.
     Just bought a Lifesling (used to rescue and lift a man overboard) and we are practicing with it.  
     The weather is still very poor for crossing to to Bahamas.  We are patiently waiting for that good weather window (with the "storm of the century" up north of us).  We hear the motto of crossing to the Bahamas is, "Wait, Wait, Wait".  Seems to be true.

people have amazing screened pool areas for bugs and alligators
just hanging out in the marina waiting to cross ...

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