Friday, January 30, 2015


                             Still Waiting.................To  Cross to the Bahamas
      We've been here 8 days now in North Palm Beach waiting for  weather conditions  to make the crossing.  The wind, wave height and wave period  all need to cooperate.  Crossing the Gulf Stream is a whole different ballgame.  We thought we might leave this morning and had a buddy boat,   then things changed for the worse so we didn't go.  It looks like the next weather window is going to be next Thurs. - Friday.  That's a long way from now........Good thing we aren't on a schedule! 

     Actually if you have to be stuck somewhere this is a good place.  The marina is nice, restrooms are good (that's important!), washing machine and dryer available, internet, cable TV, a free shuttle to the grocery store, free pass to great pool across the street, shops that you can  get to by bike.

                                     hanging out at the pool                
     We've been keeping busy.  Bill has been fixing,  cleaning and installing things like crazy.  The longer this crossing takes the better the boat gets!  I've been busy provisioning for our 2 months in the Bahamas.  I buy food - then we don't leave so we eat it - then I have to buy more again.  Bringing home groceries by bicycle is a trick - we always have too much for our backpacks. Bill checks the weather constanty - 4-5  sites 3 times a day.  

     We went to the "Trawler Fest" (an organization for people who own trawler style boats - they meet once a year).   I went to a man overboard lecture - really scared me as to what I don't know how to do in that kind of situation.  We definitely need some practice.

     I hadn't seen a friend in 20 years who I knew  lived in Florida. I was able to locate her,.  She and her husband came to see us and we spent a day together.  After 20 years it was  like old times together - so great!!! 
Pam and I - 20 years since we last saw eachother!

1 comment:

  1. How great that you got to catch up with Pam!
    Looks like a nice place to be stuck waiting.
