Saturday, January 24, 2015

                                            On the Intercoastal Waterway Finally!!
the bridge at Stuart 

     We have finally reached the intercoastal waterway!  The water has turned from muddy brown to green-blue. We actually saw people swimming in the water-I guess there's no alligators??? The Intercoastal waterway (ICW) is much more beautiful than we expected.  In this area the homes along it are really impressive.  It kind of reminds us of the homes  in Newport Beach, Ca. We just keep wondering whatall these people do to make this kind of money.  Traveling on the ICW is really, really slow due to all the manatee zones where you have to "go as slow as possible"
         We were actually happy to buy diesel at this price!!

they opened the bridge to let us through

a beautiful morning anchored out

    We are in North Palm Beach now and may be here awhile.  
We will be leaving from here to cross to the Bahamas.  We won't leave here until we get a good weather window to cross.  Right now the weather forcast isn't looking good.


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