Friday, May 2, 2014


                                                       Englewood - Anchored Out

We anchored 2 nights here in the bay of Manisota Key.  A manatee and her baby came right up to the boat so close that we could’ve reached out and touched them.  They stayed there for about 20 min. Glad we weren't in the water then!  There are lots of manatees around the mangrove swamps here.  They are huge, 800 to 1000 pounds, and are right under the surface of the water.  Boats have to go slow to avoid hitting them.  Most of the manatees have scars on their backs from being hit by boat props.

The water is warm, in the high 70’s, and we have been swimming a lot.  It is hot, 80’s, and humid.  Thunderstorms have been coming through, but leave quickly.   We have been running the air conditioner even during the rain as it is so humid.
mangrove swamp

There are dolphins everywhere.  They act different than the ones at home.  These dolphins like to play and actually follow the boats and do tricks (seriously!)

            dolphins following our boat and jumping out of the water and doing flips


A “key” is an island connected by a bridge.  In the Caribbean they call them "cays".

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