Sunday, August 7, 2016

                                                   Burleigh Falls and Bobcageon

Trent Canal
So.......narrow!!!!  Solid rock on either side and on the bottom. Bill says  it's like driving on a cliff - only look forward.  The depth got as little as 5'2inches (we draw 3'9).   It was only about 25-30 feet across.  Don't know what would've happened if there was another boat coming toward us - no turning around!

The granite rock is called Canadian shield and covers half of Canada.

Gorgeous with lots of tiny islands (lock 27)

 Little cottages on these tiny islands.
awesome cottage on the water

Slide Rocks - I was the brave one in the water.
 Bill, Lyne and Wayne (Learylyne) on the rocks. The water was 75 degrees!

entering a lock
Tied  up on the wall for the night at Burleigh Falls.
(Learylyne is with us.)

                  Bobcageon is like a smaller Charlevoix, very cute and touristy.  It is extremely busy this weekend.  This area around here is the most popular of the whole Trent Severn.
Busy, crazy,  holiday weekend (like our 4th of July) in Bobcageon. The locks are jammed with all types of watercraft.  In front of us was a rental houseboat with a guy dancing on the roof in a dinosaur costume. 

Rental houseboats  are all over and are the nightmare.  They advertise heavily in Europe and most of the houseboat rentals are foreigners with no boating experience.  At one point there were 5 houseboats of Russians in a row behind us - no one spoke English and they had very few boating skills. 

A houseboat with Asians entered the lock ahead of us hitting both port and starboard walls and then ended up dead center in the lock touching the gate.  When it  tried  to move  to one side it ended up spinning and perpendicular. The lock master held all the other boats outside for  20 minutes while this whole fiasco happened.

We know 2 looper boats who were badly damaged here this week by rental houseboats.  

Locals call all the boats with shoppers and ice cream eaters at the docks "ice cream boats".  

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