Thursday, February 12, 2015

                                               We're Not in Kansas Anymore!
     This doesn't feel like Florida  -  you know you are very far way.  The water here is gorgeous- so blue,  green and clear it looks fake.  There are  fish swimming all over in the marina.  There was a Giant puffer fish swimming right near the boat and a manatee.  It is very muggy, much more so than in Florida.   The native Bahamains here are black, very friendly and they speak English with an English-Bahamian accent.   The houses and businesses are all painted bright colors, nothing muted - purple, red, lime green bright blue, yellow, orange, pink. The clothing the natives wear is the same - very bright and flashy, all colors, not matching. It is very poor.  Many of the buildings were destroyed in the 2004 and 2005 hurricanes and have not been rebuilt as they had no insurance.  
     People walk around our docks selling just caught lobster 
($5. each ) and fresh made bread.
piles of conch shells left over from the fisherman

  At least half of the boaters in the marina are from Canada.  The vast majority of boats here are sailboats.  Kind of interesting since the Abacos islands are so shallow.  Water depth is really an issue.  

     We rented a car with some other "loopers" we met and traveled all over the island.  We had the best adventures that day!  Bill had a  tough time remembering to drive on the opposite side of the street.  Every time he started the car he began on the wrong side. No one else wanted to drive!  Lots of the street signs are missing.
Dinner at a tiki bar on the beach with our new friends from Patriot, Connie and Jim.  I had conch fritters,  Gumbay (the Bahamian drink they're known for, a kind of rum punch) and a cheeseburger.


                           the tiki bar- in the middle of the sticks!!
Lucayan National Park

underwater caves - some of the longest in the world
going down the ladder to the cave

our marina - The Old Bahama Bay
-look at the colors of the buildings
giant chess game at the hotel


  1. LOVE your posts!! Keep them coming! (Although the sailboat crash sent shivers up our spines! So glad they escaped. So sad to lose their boat :( )
