Saturday, February 14, 2015

                                Great Sale Cay - A Perfect Day!

     Traveling to Great Sale Cay was a long 50 mile trip.  For once the weather was perfect.  The wind was about 2 miles an hour and the seas were dead calm.  It was an amazing trip.  We traveled with another boat, Patriot.  At Sale Cay there were probably 15 boats  anchored.    We took the dingy and explored the shoreline a little.  
It wasn't possible to go ashore as the edge of the island was either a rough coral reef that would rip the dinghy to shreds or a mangrove swamp with no sand/dirt to stand on.  There are wild pigs and goats on the island, but we didn't see any.  I had my pepper spray just in case!  This cay uninhabited and is really just a quick stopping place as you begin to travel down the Abacos island chain. 

      The Patriot boat invited us and 2 other boats over for cocktails onboard.  We all tied our dingies up on their boat.  We met 2 more great couples.  It's amazing how many new friends we have made along the way.  Connie, onboard Patriot, had purchased lobster tails for us from the fisherman that came by the docks at Old Bahama Harbor ( we weren't around).  I didn't know how to cook them so she even steamed them for us.  We went back to our own boat taking our aleady  our alrady cooked lobsters and had them for dinner.  Doesn't get any better than that!
     It was a very rough night anchored out with 20-25 mile hour winds that came out of nowhere unexpectedly.  Luckily we were tucked into a sheltered bay. In the morning all of the boats left.  The captains/guys have a great time on their VHF radios talking back and forth and cracking jokes - just like little boys!

                       The water is 10 feet deep and you can see bottom
Didn't catch any

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