Wednesday, May 7, 2014

                                                   Boca  Grande, FL                                                             

live giant Horse Conch - we found it on a sandbar - we threw it back

          Two great days on Boca Grande enjoying the awesome island and sunny weather.  We spent 2 nights at Uncle Henry’s Marina and  had the place to ourselves as most of the “snow birds” have left. We used a golf cart to explore the island and town. We had a crazy ride back to the marina as the golf cart wheel was smoking, shaking, making weird noises and almost fell off.

          We took the zodiac to 2 fantastic beaches where we collected shells and swam.  The water was almost the same temperature as the air. We also dingied out  to a submerged sandbar where the water was only 3 feet deep.  We found 2 huge Horse Conch shells there, but threw them back as the animal inside was alive.
shells collected today (we didn't keep anything with a live animal!)

          We see lots of wild life everywhere.  There was a manatee and a couple of dolphins right next to our boat this morning. About the same time Bill caught a fish (his fishing line was just dangling in the water unattended.) Bob caught a fish too, but no one wanted to clean them so they let them go. This all happened at breakfast!  Unlike home, there are LOTS of fish in the water.
The beach is ALL shells

shell artwork on the beach (we didn't do it!)

          There are orange fences up on the beaches protecting the turtles and the turtle eggs.  In Venice, all the residents along the beach have to keep their curtains closed at night from May to Oct so the light doesn’t disturb the turtles laying their eggs on the beach.  The city changes all their light bulbs to red ones to not disturb the turtles.

            Gecko lizards are everywhere, on the sidewalks, trees, walls of outside buildings. 
                                                      gecko lizard      


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