Friday, March 21, 2014

                                           Gulport, Biloxi and Mobile
                                  Lots of big, old antibellum mansions in this area

 I am back on board after a week in Houston helping Taylor find an apartment and get settled.  Bill brought flowers to the airport when he picked me up (must be glad I'm back). 

Gulfport and Biloxi are famous for their big antebellum mansions along the waterfront.  We got smart and rented a car to visit this area 2 hours west of Mobile.  Going there by car saved us LOTS of money and time.  Enterprise  is great!   They pick us up at the marina and bring us back and forth for free.   
The fishing industry in the Gulf is huge!!

 Many of the mansions were destroyed by Hurricane Katrina 10 years ago and nothing has been rebuilt there.  It seemed like ¾ of the private properties right along the water were for sale. 
                          Home of Confederate President Jefferson Davis
Cemetary for Confederate sodliers on the Jefferson Davis estate grounds
Tomb of the Unknown Confederate soldiers

We visited the estate of Jefferson Davis who was the one and only Confederate President.  It is the state “treasure”. 

Biloxi  had lots of Las Vegas style casinos that are on big barges on the water.
Mardi Gras!!  It actually originated in Mobile, not New Orleans.
The Carnival Crown- Biloxi Museum
This is a real touristy area.  The white sand beaches the Gulf is known for begin here.

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