Thursday, September 26, 2013

Kentucky Caves


           We rented a car and drove to central Kentucky to visit Mammoth Caves.  These are the longest cave in the world.  It is 400 mapped miles long!  However it is within a 7 by 7 mile area that crisscrosses back and forth underground.  They were spectacular.   We went on a 2 hour underground tour then came back in the afternoon and went on another 2 tour in a different part of the cave.  There was one room that was as large as a football field underground.  Many of these passages are so big – HUGE tunnels underground.  Most of the cave is plain rocks (limestone and gypsum). Teher were  Indian drawings and mining artifacts in it.  One part of it held most of the stalactites and stalagmites – those were so cool!

            We really enjoyed being away from water and actually getting to see some of rural Kentucky.  We are in the Bible Belt now.  There are little churches everywhere.  Even a little town of a few hundred people will have several churches.                            Side of a barn next to the road
            Rural Kentucky is beatiful, very green  with rolling hills and hardwood trees.  There are lots of deer and wild turkeys everywhere.  It is pretty low income.  We saw almost as many old dilapidated trailers as homes.  A lot homes are old, tiny 2 room houses with a porch and rocking chair or couch on it - and someone sitting there.  In the grocery store almost of the food is the cheaper, not healthy stuff.  It’s hard to eat healthy around here!  You don’t see much whole wheat bread, special water, fruit or vegetables– lots of soda pop, white bread, potato chips, twinkies, etc.   

            We had dinner at a local restaurant and I had catfish for the first time. Catfish is really popular around here and lots of places offer all you can eat catfish.   It was great!  It actually tasted like whitefish (of course mine was coated with orange marmalade and rolled in crushed pecans then baked.)
                                                                   Cave entrance

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