Thursday, March 6, 2014

                                             Columbus, Miss. and further south 
            Weather   made us spend  3 nights here in Columbus . It was cold – 20’s, rainy and windy.  The dock lines were so frozen and we could hardly move them. .
frozen dock lines at dawn (when we left the dock)

            This area is known for anti-bellum homes.  We had a personal tour of the Waverly Plantation home.  It’s supposed to be one of the best preserved in Miss.  At its prime they had 2000 acres of cotton, 250 field workers and 20 house servants.  The antique furnishings inside were incredible.  It barely escaped being burned down in the Civil war by just 8 miles as that’s how close the Union army was.
Waverly Plantation House

            Bill saved the day once more!!!!  We had a long day, traveled 60 miles and did 3 locks.  We were in the sticks, no marinas/towns for 60 miles to the north and 50 miles to the south, and it was only 18 degrees high for the day.  We pulled into a cove to anchor for the night.   I was driving, Bill was lowering the anchor and our steering on one engine went out. The boat just kept turning in circles, going backwards.  We managed to anchor right there.  Bill figured out that the gear box control cable had broken.  He put together a contraption to hold the cable together- and the next day we made it 50 miles to the next marina.  He had called the marina about the needed part, they special ordered it for him, it was there when arrived, he installed it – AND the engine works again!!!

              I have to mention that while we are under way it is freezing.  When we stop however we turn on our generator and can run the stove, microwave, heater and even watch a movie. The generator runs off our diesel.


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