Sunday, June 1, 2014

                                                         2,500 Miles!!!!                

          For the next ?? months we are stored on the hard at River Forest Marina. We picked this place as it had a great reputation, is a good “hurricane hole” and is 40 miles up the river inland.  This is a really rural area with nothing around here.  We spent 2 days in the water making preparations to leave and then another 2 days after the boat was hauled out.  It is as safe as we can make for hurricane force winds!!   We taped windows in case of winds and water, and took down all of the canvas.  There is  a humidifier which will stay on the whole time.  Everything (clothing, books, etc.) was bagged for possible mold damage due to the high heat and humidity.  What else can we do?  Tons of work!!
Ours is the small one in front.  The other boats here are huge!

          The boat looked great when it was pulled out and inspected.  We are having some bottom paint work done and the propellers straightened and balanced while we are gone. We have nearly traveled half of the entire great loop, 2,500 miles,  from  Mackinac Island MI to Fort Myers, FL .  That's a lot of hours on the water when you only go 9-10 miles an hour!

           After talking with two other full-time boaters at River Forest Marina we are almost certain that for the next leg of our trip we will skip the Florida Keys and head across Lake Okochobee to the Bahamas. As far as when,  all we know is that will be when hurricane season is over (Nov. 1).
Rural!  Doesn't look like what we thought inland Florida would look like
Spanish moss in the trees - Now you know you are down south!

Really nothing around here but cows!

          On the way home (by air), we stopped and visited Taylor in Houston for 2 days.  He is doing great and quite at home in his new city.  Arriving home our  house  survived just fine without us ( some dust, bugs, spiders, weeds, dead lawn - no big deal). Our cat is fine thanks to our great neighbor who watched her while we were away.  Our family is good and we have a wedding to plan! It's great to see everyone at home again!!

            After getting home our boating adventure almost seems like a dream....
Next time - the Bahamas!!!



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