Tuesday, September 3, 2013

New Buffalo, MI

New Buffalo August 29th

            The two most memorable things about our trip to New Buffalo were the fog and the flies.  When we started out the weather was clear and there was no fog.  All of a sudden the fog started rolling in.  We were trying to stay about 3 miles off the coast and could see nothing.  The visibility varied from 50 feet to one quarter mile over the three hours that we were out there.  We’ve grown to appreciate the value of radar!!  When Bill felt there was someone in range he would blow his hand held fog horn repeatedly every 10 seconds.  That gets old when you are sitting next to him!   We contemplated ducking into the one harbor we passed until the fog was gone, but figured that could be worse when we couldn’t really see the entrance. 

            Out of nowhere hundreds of flies appeared and were all over the boat.  I became a “madwomen” with my flyswatter.  Thanks Dick and Chris for the fly swatter – you sure where right about us needing it.  What I remember vividly is Bill yelling at me “forget the flies, watch the radar!”  What we heard later is that when the wind blows hard the flies from land are pushed out onto the lake.  Well, they have to land somewhere – so they find the nearest boat (us)!

            We were very happy to arrive in New Buffalo.  It was beautiful day there, no fog, very hot and humid.   We did a lot of bike riding all over town for supplies. Dinner was on the rooftop patio of the restaurant, The Salty Dog, across the street from the marina. New Buffalo had a cool beach with hundreds and hundreds of ducks and Canadian geese.

Leaving early from New Buffalo to Chicago
 What I have noticed is that ice cream is really popular back here.  There are ice cream vendors all over the place, and usually lines in front of them.  I haven’t seen anyone selling protein shakes, smoothies or yogurt bowls with fruit and granola.  It’s all about the strawberry shakes, root beer floats and banana splits.



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