Friday, August 16, 2013

August 16

August 16

          The Boating Life

Fishing Boat in Leland harbor

I could get used to this life.  I woke up this morning (late) and we rode our bikes to breakfast.  Afterwards I went on a 20 mile bike trip around Leelanau Lake and Bill hung out on the boat and fixed a few things, people watched and had a few beers. Later on we took the inflatable boat and motored around the harbor and beach.  About 5:00 a fellow “looper” knocked on the side of the boat and invited us to come over for cocktails (their boat name was “It’s Always 5:00”).  Another couple joined us who were also on the “loop”.  It turns out that our loop flag is like magic.  It seems that fellow loopers automatically seek each other out. Basically you have instant friends with a lot in common.  Anyway both couples were pretty amused to hear this was our 2nd day on the loop.  They both had been touring for much longer and had lots of advice and stories to tell.  At sunset we went on another walk around the town and the docks.  What a great day – or should I say “Perfect Day” (the name of our boat).

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