Wednesday, August 31, 2016

                                              Mackinac Island and Harbor Springs

It was a very rough trip from Detour to Mackinac Island.  It was so bad that Bill told me give it 15  minutes  more and if I wanted him to turn around then he would.  (He knew that if we got that far out I wouldn't want to make the turn to go back!) Friends that we were travelong with and other boaters didn't go that day.    4-5 foot waves on the beam with hardly any wave period when we started and we had 40 miles to go. I knew how bad it would be attempting to turn around but I played along with his offer, hung in there and it FINALLYy got better.

Mackinac Island has a huge history.  The War of 1812  ended here when the British in one fort fired upon the Americans in another in a surprise attack. This was also  the center of the fur trading business for the whole northeast.  In 1895 they sold a fur here for $3,000,000. The buildings are all old Victorian and beautifully preserved.

We spent 3 nights here on Mackinac Island.  We have been here many times, but this was different, being on our own boat and having more time .  Of course I did the fudge sampling and ice cream, but I also rode my bike all over the island interior and saw things I have never had time to visit before.  There is so much to see on this island. It was crowded, even for the middle of the week.

There are 650 horses on the island, lots of bicycles and carriages and no cars allowed,  All the deliveries are done by horse drawn wagon.  In the winter they bring things across by sled and snowmobile.

                                                               Arch Rock on Mackinac Island                                 

       The Grand Hotel- built at the turn of the century.  When it was built it was the largest/grandest hotel in North America.  It is still authentically furnished.  Women are required to wear dresses in the evening.
Mackinac Island Bridge

Dinner at the Pink Pony with Lynne and Wayne (Lerylyne)
Dinner again at The Pink Pony ( had a good time  there the night before so back again!) with more Loopers .
The Pink Pony
We never woul've guessed that doing the Loop would be so social.  I thought it would be Bill and I out here all alone . Wow, was I wrong!!!  Everyone we have met has been welcoming and helpful to each other.  

Mackinac Island Lighthouse
Typical Victorian style houses  with flowers everywhere.

View from Arch Rock
We were very concerned about the trip around Gray's Reef (which is notorious for being bad) to Harbor Springs, but it was not a problem.  Rain almost whole way, but the seas were pretty calm. 

Our worst boating experience on the whole Loop was 3 years ago, the day after we bought the boat.  Brand new to this, we went around Gray's Reef in six foot seas- what a mistake!  We left the port holes open, water filled up the bathroom drawers and was 3 inches deep on the  floors. 

We spent one night in Harbor Springs, whch is a very upscale resort town. We have always wanted to have our boat here! We took the dingy for a ride all around the bay so we could see the big, old. beautiful homes from the water that you can't see otherwise.

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