Wednesday, March 12, 2014

                                                      Made it to the Gulf!!

No more rivers! We made it to Mobile Bay, Al.  We just did two 100 mile days back to back and a 30 mile day.  When you are only going 10 miles an hour those are long days! There were very few anchorages so we hurried through the Tenessee-Tombigbee  Waterway.  Since we left Pickwick Lake Feb. 27 we have done 460 miles.  We are ready to stay put for awhile!
  there is a lot of commercial traffic in the bay

            We dingied around the marina in Mobile Bay for several hours.  Right after that we spotted an 8-10 foot alligator  near the boat.  We’re thinking differently now about being in the dinghy!
                                                         alligator right next to our boat                             

            The area around here is basicly  swampy bayous with lots of bridges over them. 
            We found out (from a local hunter) that the swampy area we anchored in the other night had lots of wild boars and black bears.  It was  better not knowing!                                                                                 
            The no-see-ums and mosquitoes are here.  Supposedly if you rub a dryer sheet over your body the no-see-ums will avoid you.  Hope it works!


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