Monday, September 9, 2013

Peoria IL,


Just another day of parking the boat

    Peoria, Illinois - We Were So lucky!

            After a long 45 miles and one lock (1  1/2 hours waiting at the lock) we arrived at Peoria.  Bill had been noticing that one of the boat batteries wasn’t holding a charge.  We had trouble just starting the boat at the gas dock.  He wanted to get a new boat battery, but the question was how?? The boat battery needed is specialized and very hard to find, weighs about 150 lbs. so it’s difficult to get out of the engine room, and we are in the sticks.   When we arrived at the marina he did a lot of checking around and the marine stores were closed for 3 more days. However we got so lucky!! It turned out that he found a store where they had special ordered that same battery and no one picked it up.  With the help of several men on the dock he was able to get the battery out of the boat, into a cart, and up the dock.  We shared a taxi with someone else to town (which was a long way), took the old battery to the store and got the new one.  Again people helped Bill get the new battery to the boat.  And…….Bill installed it and it works great!  Whew, what a relief!!!!! Bill is awesome and I always feel “safe” with him!

            What I have noticed is that almost all the men we meet doing The Loop are “handy” and able to fix things.  You have to be!  It seems like there is something always needing attention.  Much of the time you aren’t near a town so it’s up to you to take care of it.

            The Illinois Valley Yacht club where we are is really something.  It is 100 years old and kind of snooty.  In order to eat dinner in the dining room you need a sport jacket.  However for the bar you don’t – guess where we went!  They even have chocolate mints in the foyer with the name of their yacht club printed on them.  There are big white pillars on the entrance to the yacht club and a great swimming pool.  The people are as friendly as can be and anxious to talk and hear our stories.

            The yacht club flooded this year in April.  The river was 29 feet above normal.  It routinely floods around here in the spring, but this was the highest water in history.  The yacht club sits high above the river, but they got 5 feet of water inside  that sat there for a week.  They went a mad dash to get it rebuilt before prime time summer season.

            Bill and the other men we are traveling with have a great time talking on their radios while traveling down river.  They are so into this.  Listening to them you’d think they were kids with their walky talkies.  Most Loopers have a lot of expensive electronics on their boats.
                                         The Illinios Valley Yacht Club  

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